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Inspiring Stewardship A Year–round program based on monthly lessons. $ 0.00
Fulfilling God’s Purpose! Updated and revised for 2024! $ 0.00
Bearing Fruit for Jesus! 3–week Program $ 0.00
Excel in the Grace of Giving! 3–week Program. $ 0.00
Life a God–Pleasing Life! 3–week Program. $ 0.00
Graced by the Fruits of Our Labor 3–week Program. $ 0.00
Transformed by Grace, Faith and Love! 3–week Program. $ 0.00
Experiencing the Joy of Generosity! 3–week Program. $ 0.00
Empowered by Grace! 3–, 4–, or 5–week Program. $ 0.00
Living Each Day as a Steward! 3–week Program. $ 0.00
Tithing: A Leap of Faith! 3–week Program $ 0.00
Grow as Stewards through Faith, Love and Hope! 3–week Program $ 0.00
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