Our history...
Parish Publishing is a Christian publisher that serves thousands of churches across North America to help them communicate better with their members and build stronger, thriving congregations. Our editorial staff of pastors has, collectively, over 350 years of experience, which ensures the highest quality of editorial content being delivered to our faith communities. Founded in 1964, Parish Publishing has 60 years of tradition and reliability.
What we do...
Parish Publishing is dedicated to providing comprehensive, inspirational and practical resources needed to foster thriving congregations. Our focus is on congregational development, imbuing the spirit of stewardship among a faith community, and helping churches grow through education and solving practical problems. We have sixty years of experience in education and communication, and during that time we have served over 10,000 churches, helping them educate, motivate and inspire people to greater heights of faith and generosity.
We also publish Proclaim Sermons, available online at www.proclaimsermons.com, which is America’s favorite, freshly–written preaching resource, written by our renowned staff of writers.
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